Map (Graphics: AVH/AIP Argentina)
A Lan Airlines Boeing 767-300, flight LA-755 from Sao Paulo,SP (Brazil) to Santiago (Chile), was enroute at FL360 on a westerly heading along airway UM799 near waypoint PUBER 48nm southsoutheast of Tucuman (Argentina) at approximately 18:09Z in radio contact with Cordoba Center.
An Andes Lineas Aereas McDonnell Douglas MD-87, registration LV-BZR performing a positioning flight from Cordoba,CD to Salta,SA (Argentina), was enroute at FL360 on a northerly heading along airway UW5 near waypoint PUBER in radio contact with Cordoba Center.
The LAN crew had just reported crossing waypoint PUBER when they inquired about a traffic at the same level at their 11 o'clock position on their TCAS display. While ATC was still responding the crew reported a TCAS resolution advisory shortly followed by the Andes crew reporting a TCAS resolution advisory.
Both crews complied with their TCAS RAs, once clear of conflict returned to their assigned flight level FL360 and continued to their destinations for safe landings.
Tha Aviation Herald
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